Thank you for your interest in becoming one of InterLink's Alliances. Becoming an Alliance is open to all projects on all chains but we want to emphasize that currently, we can only accept tokens built on the Binance Smart Chain for our Staking and Farming Platform. If accepted, we can quickly add your token to become an option for people to select as a reward on our staking platform. A potential benefit for all Alliances could be gaining access to future utility plans that we have at an accelerated rate and on discounted terms. While there are no costs incurred, should we approve your application we do hope and expect that some cross community engagement takes place via twitter posts and shared spaces etc, to offset our staking costs incurred. Please complete the below details and we will consider your application in a timely manner. We will then inform you whether we can accept your application at this time or if it is something we could reconsider in the future should circumstances change. After completion, submit your application via email to in any copy-and-paste text format. We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to potentially becoming an alliance with you. Project Name A brief 2-3 sentence summary of what your crypto project entails (we might use this as part of our social platforms so get your key selling points across quickly) A more in depth short and long term vision Your team structure The dev used Utility plans (or if none/meme token) Average daily/monthly volume Contract Address Your launch date (or planned date) An attachment of your logo (transparent) Social Links and Website Address While the following isn't compulsory, we would love to learn more about you (and your team) by completing this additional information. This is focussed more on the fun and personal side! We can share this via our X platform once completed and a confirmed Alliance Member. We will incorporate for Alliance Marketing and Community Engagement purposes. ------------------------------- It is completely up to you on the format and who to include – we advise CEO (if such a position) and then possibly 1 or 2 core team members aswell. You might simply type your answers as we did or choose to voice record or even film in a podcast stye! 💥 BEHIND THE TEAMS: (INSERT PROJECT HERE) 💥 💬 Firstly, who do we have and what are the position(s) with the project? 💬 How did the core team meet? 💬 Why did you choose to bring them onboard? 💬 What would you advise to somebody entering crypto now? 💬 What is your favourite movie? 💬 What is your favourite food? 💬 What do you like to do outside of crypto? 💬 What is your favourite animal? 💬 Finally, give a funny or sweet story from your time in crypto Thank You, The InterLink team